Monday, May 17, 2010


So I just took a peek at my calendar, and it appears that I am virtually fresh out of weekends.

Last weekend 5/15 - Saka-brother graduation (we were in LA for 4 days!)
Weekend 5/22 - Maker Faire
Weekend 5/29 - Fanime
Weekend 6/5 - Family friend grad party
Weekend 6/12 - *Possibly* free
Weekend 6/19 - Father's Day
Weekend 6/26 - Friend S's wedding & City Team volunteering
Weekend 7/3 - Fourth of July
Weekend 7/10 - *Possibly* free
Weekend 7/17 - *Possibly* free
Weekend 7/24 - Away we go!

So that's only 3 possible weekends in which I can dedicate to purely wedding related planning. The rest will be spent somewhat "out of office". Kind of scary, really.

How many free weekends (if any) do you have left?


  1. With 13 days until the wedding I'm going to LA for 5 days... Awesome.

    I totally get the feeling :(

  2. Kind of scary? Not as scary as less than two weeks out. :-P

    YAY City Team!! :-D

  3. @gator & alvina - you can do it! and yes, 2 weeks out is much much scarier, I believe you!

    and @alvina - does your church does city team too? hehe, small bay-area-world ;)

  4. Wow that is a daunting schedule! Good luck lady!

  5. Wow! I need to look into that! Although I know that many of the next will be spent moving, relocating, and setting up house.

  6. Ugh, don't remind me... I'm running out of weekends too and it's a little scary!
